Benefits of Wholesale China Plain (PCY) Yarn

Textured goods are a huge success on the European market but what about in the UK and US? It is simple to see why so many consumers are switching from polyester woven fabrics to textured fabrics that are more durable. Whether its for clothes, cushions or upholstery, the texture can make a dramatic difference to the finished product. In terms of polyester itself, the texture it produces is prone to 'fading' meaning that over time its colour will get dull and faded making it less appealing to buyers. Another downside with polyester woven fabrics is that they take a long time to dry which means that consumers can potentially have their clothes or upholstery items out of reach before they are ready to wear. 

Nowadays we are seeing a huge increase in the popularity of acrylic blends made from cotton, silk or synthetic fibres. These kinds of products are far more durable and can withstand high volumes of use while still looking amazing. The biggest advantage of using this type of material is that you don't have to worry about dying the fabric as acrylic yarn does not lose its colour during washing and dry cleaning. In fact, depending on the type of fibre used, acrylic can actually last up to 10 years if properly maintained. 

As well as using polyester yarn in your production, if you decide to use textured yarn then it will be wise to purchase some cotton blend as well. Textured yarns are easier to work with and because you can draw on them with a pen or with a hand quill it makes finishing the project that much easier. If you decide that you want to draw some pattern onto the surface of the fabric with a quill later on, then it is quite easy to transfer it from the fabric onto the polyester with no loss of quality.

The primary difference between using synthetic and polyester yarn in making fabrics is the density of the fibre. The weight of the yarn is going to be lower in relation to the polyester yarn and this means that the finished item will be of a higher quality. Because the density of the yarn is increased it also means that the price of the yarn is higher but this is certainly worth it if you produce top quality items. In addition, because the density of the yarn is higher, you can use less polyester and get a smoother feel to the final product. When you compare polyester yarn to cotton and other types of textured yarn the price differences are clear.

There are also a number of benefits to using wholesale china rather than your standard polyester items. For example, because you are buying in bulk, you can place an order for large amounts of items which will cut your costs. Plus you are able to give your clients the option of having their items monogrammed with their initials. This is especially useful if you are working with nicknames or a design that needs to be attention grabbing.

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